Every year on August 15th, every Indian shouts from the top of the roof ‘WE ARE AN INDEPENDENT INDIA’.
Yes, India as a country was Independent from the British dominance on August 15th, 1947. It is a golden day to be remembered…to remember the conviction our freedom fighters had in them…for their continued rebellion they had with the British …for the thousands of precious lives lost…for the deep down voice which every Indian had then.. ‘WE WILL ONE DAY BE INDEPENDENT’.
Ultimately for all the conviction we had, sun set in the British Empire and rose in the Indian Fortress.
But I don’t think the sun has ever shown very bright.
Every time the sun shines bright, there seems to come a passing dark cloud and curbs the rise. True, we have many in our country who truly understand themselves and also want to improve the lives of other denizens around them. For every one such people, there are thousands other unscrupulous men and women who either mock, deride, or turn the good course the other way for their selfish needs. With such a bleak scenario, how can we expect a prosperous India? It is not to say that we have not grown through times. ALL THE GROWTH WE SEE IS ONLY VANITY. Have all the resources and facilities reached all our people in equal measure…No. TO PUT IN A NUTSHELL, WE ARE A COUNTRY OF IMBALANCES.
It is clearly beyond a shadow of doubt that there should be leaders and politicians with a holistic perspective and a vision that envisages the whole of India to rise together. The Indian diaspora should render yeoman’s service.
How can we develop a holistic perspective. The answer to this is SELF RELIASATION
The whole universe is within us.
When we realise us, we understand the world better
IT IS THE UNREALISED GAP AND UNTAPPED POTENTIAL IN YOU THAT CAUSES ALL THE EGO AND CONFLICTS AROUND. Once you start understanding the meaning of your existence in this world…once you know you have a mission to perform, your inner conflicts vanish and you merge with the people around. You become selfless. You get enlightenment. You don’t feel threatened by others. You then have freedom in thoughts, words and actions. That is true independence. The world will then be a happy place to live. This happiness is infectious. Can you now realise the difference it will make when every Indian understands the philosophy of their life.