The most beautiful sound

The scorching heat here drives me insane and wild

And I wonder when the windy season will arrive

Winds remind me of wind chimes… am so so fascinated by the sounds of wind chimes…wind chimes are so amazing and so beautifully sounding… THE SOOTHING TINKLING SOUND when you tweak it as you walk past…it feels like the wind singing…the mild breeze blowing on your face along with the sound of chimes is such a bliss

Have it anywhere in your house where there is free flow of wind

Could listen to it for hours and feel at peace by the beauty of the sounds they make…they are so magical



Aaju said...

Good post Sugi!!after reading this , I too listened to this sound and found soothing..

May be , I wish , you can Sing once, and then we can decide which is most beautiful sound... :) :)

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