Got these interesting two pics from FB. This should be the condition of most of the Indian couples abroad. And indeed, this is the state of both of us now!
This is one of those times where I have plenty of time at my disposal, yet don't know what to do. Feeling like a caged bird wanting to fly high up in the sky. I am not destined for just the role of a 'HW'. What example will I set for my daughter/ kids if I be complacent in this state? I want to let them know 'not to be deterred in your ambitions and passions whatever be the condition, wherever you are'.
I can see my mom,mil and many others pondering years later now of the lost and precious times. And they believe its too late a time for realization now, after being habituated the role of HW for many years. Oh, I wish to revert this state of mine soon before I think its too late!
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